Thursday, September 27, 2012

Getting to know the family: Part 2

Now that we got the back story down, lets get to the characters. There are 7 characters total.

Me. The main character. I made and am in about every last episode. I normally get tangled in or start whatever  problem  goes on in that episode. Most the time I pass out or something worse happens to me. One more important fact... I like pie.

Sam. One of the most important characters. He is in most of the newer episodes and worsens the problem in the plot of the episode. He loves fries and ends up dieing, passing out or exploding with Bryan. Sam was formerly known as "Good Sam" when Bad Sam was around. After he left he was just called Sam.

 Eric. Another really important character. He Normally worsens, kills, explodes, and gets eaten in the series. He also gets others killed, exploded, eaten. Very frequently I might add. Eric replaced Bad Sam when he left in the earlier episodes but kind of got replaced by Sam.

Marcos. A newer character and he might die in about 2 years. He is addicted to eating Hot Pockets that are slowly but surely clogging his arteries. We tried switching his Hot Pocket with a salad but it didn't work. He is addicted to Minecraft and well... that's it.

Ahhhh... Joseph. If you have read The Daily Blah before, then you may remember him. Even though he is older, smarter and less retarded, he is still one of those people that you want to leave forever. He was eaten by a plant in season 3 and grows back in season 4. We may also refer to Joseph as Joe or Jofes (That's his secret identity SHHHHHH... Don't tell anybody).

Briar is Kind of like a Marcos but short, not addicted to Minecraft and won't die in around 2 years because he eats healthy and not Hot Pockets every day. He has as Minecraft based pet pig that he rides on backwards (don't ask). He also has a carrot on a stick and a banana wrapped in tape that disappears.

This is Briar's pet pig proudly named Alberto' con Bacono or Albert for short. He lets Briar ride on him backwards and is found running down a mountain with Briar riding him. Alberto' con Bacono is based on a pig in Minecraft and is a bad ass pig with a bad ass name.

That was all the characters so far and there is sure to be some soon. Now that you know the family we can finally get to the story...

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